Monday, 24 September 2012

Precedents: Human Veins

The veins of the human body could be used as the main inspration for the pattern in my final physical model. The veins could be used as the outer shell that entraps the core of the "eye model".

In this image you can see the many different sizes of the veins. Some need to be thinner than others. The thicker ones could be the foundation of the model and keep it stable. While the other, thinner ones could create a translucent experience which will allow the viewer to see into the core of it.  

This image coveys the same vein like pattern but with a more harsh texture. I could try to capture the essence of this cracked dirt to bring forth the harsh nature of entrapment.

The human eye will be used as my most dominant precedent. The veins that appear in the negative space of the whites of the eye look as if they are creeping their way to sieze controll over the centre where the iris and pupil is. Almost as if to capture them. This is why in my model i will look to convey the ideas of capture and entrapment from the veins over the galaxy of the iris.

Precendents: The Eye Ball

The eye is a very intriguing part of the human body. The different parts work together to create a space that almost seems like an endless galaxy inside the centre of the eye as well look through the lens of the cornea. It resembles the explosion precendent that i have been looking at in previous blog posts where there is focal core with light rays that explode out from it. In this precedent, the white of the eye is the negative space.

The human eye ball is to scale with the dimensions of the brief. This means i might be able to create a full scale eye ball that portrays themes of entrapment and confinement but also haveing an element of relation to the human body.

 I could use the veins that we can see in the top image as another precendent. Perhaps as the element which will entrap the negative space and core of my final model.

Precedents: The atom

The atom expresses some of the ideas that I will try to convey in my final model. The atom is made up of elements that could relate to confinement or entrapment. The protons and neutrons in the centre are trapped there by the electrons that soround them. The negative space of the black backround is indeed the freedom that the protons and neutrons could attain if they defy the laws of science.

This static orb traps a light of hope inside a glass sphere. The product is used by humans for a visually interactive experience where the user feels as if the they are feeding the orb electricity by placing their finger tips on it. When the product is being used it almost seems as if the electrity is trying to defy its capturer and escape the glass. In my opinion this precedent resembles an eye ball. Which could be used as my next precedent for this project.

Precedents: Explosions

This symetrical design creates a pleasing pattern made out of flames that also creates a focal point in the centre where the star is. My final design could be a symmetrical one that could have a focal point in the centre that resembles the heart of the explosion.

I could use the idea of light escaping from the inner core by cutting holes in the outer layer and installing a light in the centre of the model. When taking photographs of my model i could sprinking a very thin powder of the model to emphasize the light.

Precedents: The Flame

The flame above looks as if it holds something bright inside it. The theme of hope comes to mind when we look at the flame surrounded in darkness. The negative space of the darkness creates an element of entrapment which confines the brighness of the light. This idea of a central light and element of hope could be used in the final design of my printed model.  

In this next precedent, the flame itself is the element which conveys the theme of hope. It is trapped by the biggest contrasting figure that opposses fire which is ice and water. This image somewhat evokes us to will the fire to defy the ice and melt it to become free.

Starting Point For Project 3

Using my revised render as a starting point for project three will give me a strong foundation and a good sense of direction for the rest of the course. I will try to find precedents that relate to the words I identified in my first project; Entrapment, Defiance, Freedom. I will try to locate models that exist in nature and find visual patterns in them that could form an element of entrapment to hold something hopefull inside it just as the render above does.